Bestseller doesn't necessarily mean good. I can think of many bestsellers that are far from good but they are popular and sell well which makes them bestsellers.
There is a different between profitable/ successful and a masterpiece.
Here's the thing though sometimes people like shit book's. They know they are shit book's but at that moment in time it's what they need.
It's the same with TV shows some are terrible even cringeworthy at times but we find ourselves only delighted to be watching them anyway even though we know they are terrible but terrible things can still be entertaining.
Take Twilight for instance. I thoroughly enjoyed those books even though they arent the Mae West. 50 Shades is arguably one of the worst book series ever written and people absolutely love it and that's okay. Your allowed like crap things. Don't feel guilty about your guilty pleasures. Just don't let on that because they are bestsellers that they are good because that's just not true. Anything can be number one if enough people are intrigued enough to buy it. Not everything has to be hard hitting, critically acclaimed perfectly crafted and well written to be worthy of your time. If it brings you joy then that's all that matter.
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